Quick Tips To Prevent A Hangover

And just like that, we’ve entered into yet another holiday season. From the social event line-up to gift exchanging, traveling, and all of the prepping and planning, most of us are inundated with holiday “stuff” and less focused on wellness, self-care, sleep, etc. And on top of that, the holidays can illuminate tough family dynamics, relationship drama or end of the year realizations. It’s the perfect setup for overwhelm and overindulgence…especially when presented with endless amounts of comfort food and fun holiday cocktails.

Thanksgiving to New Years is game-on party time, and many of us lean in hard. Which is fun (at least in the moment), but the payback (ahem, hangovers) aren’t. We’ve all been there and would do anything to be able to indulge and not feel so crummy the next day, right? Right. So let’s talk about it…

Alcohol is a toxin that’s often loaded with chemicals and sugar, and has absolutely no nutritional value (unless you count the small amount of resveratrol provided by red wine). In fact, when you consume alcoholic beverages, these toxins not only create damage to your gut, liver, brain and the rest of the body, but they also rob you of nutrients. Without support (coming from extra water, protective nutrients and sleep), your body takes a big hit and post-drinking symptoms (headaches, nausea, brain fog, fatigue, etc.) result.

The Good News: there’s a way to consume alcohol better (to prevent hangovers)…and doctor yourself up the next day (to remedy hangovers) so you can still have a productive day AND show up energized, confident and able to carry on strong, meaningful conversations at your next holiday affair.

Follow these tips BEFORE/WHILE DRINKING to prevent a hangover:

  1. Eat something substantial before drinking to coat and buffer your stomach. Think a protein, starch and veg, i.e. grass-fed steak, sweet potatoes and roasted brussels sprouts (a cruciferous veggie that’s great for detox).

  2. Choose cleaner booze - organic/natural wine and clear liquors (i.e. vodka, gin, tequila) are lower in sugar, preservatives, sulfites and additives; thus healthier choices to make. Natural wine and mezcal with soda + lime are my go-to alcoholic beverages these days.

  3. Stay hydrated by drinking 1 glass of water for EVERY alcoholic beverage.

  4. Drink alcohol earlier in the day/night, then switch to water, coconut water or mineralized water - minerals such as magnesium, potassium and sodium act as hydrating electrolytes.

  5. Eat a snack before bed, especially if you’re feeling drunk, experiencing the spins or suffering from nausea. The goal here is to balance your blood sugar and promote deeper (more restful) sleep so you wake more refreshed the next day.

Whether you pulled these stops (or didn’t) and still find yourself with nasty hangover symptoms the NEXT DAY, try the following:

  1. Oil Pull for 5-15 minutes upon rising - this is a powerful detox technique that helps reduce bacteria in the mouth and eliminates bad breath.

  2. Drink a mug of warm lemon water with sea salt after brushing your teeth (but before coffee). Packed with antioxidants and electrolytes, this tonic will deeply hydrate, energize, detoxify, assist in cellular repair and support the liver.

  3. Add asparagus to your breakfast - packed with B vitamins and glutathione (your master antioxidant), asparagus supports detox and re-energizes/restores the body.

  4. Break a sweat - your skin is your largest (external) organ and a primary channel for elimination. By getting in a 30-40 minute workout (preferably outside in the fresh, crisp air) or sitting in the sauna for 10+ minutes, you’ll encourage blood flow and toxin elimination. Note: don’t push too hard - your body is tired!

  5. Take a shower - this is most helpful post-sweat session to clean off toxic residues. Pro Tip: take a cold shower, alternate hot/cold water or finish your shower with a 20-30 second cold blast for improved blood flow (ahem, energy), lymphatic drainage and reduced inflammation.

  6. Include ginger - whether you add a hunk to your green smoothie, make a homemade ginger tea, dice and add it in a stir-fry, or other, ginger’s medicinal properties and digestive capabilities help reduce nausea, upset stomach, gas and bloating. Ginger’s antibacterial compounds also help boost immunity while its warming effect boosts the metabolism.

  7. Sniff peppermint essential oil and apply it to your temples/forehead/back of your neck. Great for headache/pain relief, peppermint is also uplifting, naturally energizing and decongestant. Note: be very careful around the eyes - peppermint stings!

Want more? Check out sobriety coach Katie Tomaszewski’s Holiday Hangover Tips.

If you’re struggling and could benefit from support, personalized guidance and motivation, CLICK HERE to book a one-on-one coaching session with me.