New Habits For The New Year
A new year is fresh. It’s exciting. AND it’s a great time to reflect, revisit/revise goals and reset.
After the hustle-and-bustle of the holiday season, January seems like a breathe of fresh air. Embrace this slow down. Spend some time sitting with your thoughts. Be quiet. Check in. Do a body scan. Ask yourself: how am I feeling? What’s happening in my body? What worked well for me this last year and what am I looking to bring into my life in the year ahead?
Once you’ve spent some time self-reflecting, journaling, meditating, sauna-ing or whatever it is that YOU do to get clear, it’s time to devise a plan. And good plans start with action steps.
Here are 3 healthy habits to incorporate in 2022:
Cyclical Fasting - intermittent fasting is trending (has been for a while), but I’m seeing a lot of clients, influencers, friends and family fasting in the same way every single day. The Problem: many of them–especially my Adrenally Fatigued women–are no longer seeing positive results.
My challenge for you is to play around with fasting…perhaps you shorten your fasting window, switch up the timeframe or incorporate longer fasts just 2-3 times per week (rather than every day).
Does drinking coffee help you get you through a fast? Although great for some, others…not so much. This seemingly innocuous, relatively normalized habit may be zapping your energy, stirring up anxiety and sabotaging your weight loss efforts - read more HERE.
Detoxification - let’s face it: our modern-day world is TOXIC. From the air that we breathe to the pillow we sleep on at night, we are over-inundated with chemicals and our poor livers simply cannot keep up. That’s a big problem, especially since the liver is responsibly for 500 different functions in the body, including hormone balance!
In 2022, incorporating daily detox techniques into your regime is GREAT…but not enough. This 5 to 10 Day Detox will help you re-energize, fight hunger and cravings, improve sleep and get back to your healthy habits (that may have slipped away from you during the holidays) in no time.
Self-Love + Body Acceptance - you are beautiful JUST the way you are. You are enough. You have enough. You do…more than enough. Once you realize these things, own your sh*% and stop trying to be somebody or something you’re not, life gets easier. Doors open up. Things flow.
Even if you’re not “where you want to be” with your weight, your body, your life, live like you are. Tell yourself you’re beautiful every single day. Speak kindly to yourself. Ditch the sweats and baggy sweaters and embrace the figure you have. Because here’s the deal: what you think (and focus on), you become. If you think positive thoughts about your body and live like you love it, things will ACTUALLY start changing (mentally AND physically–inside AND out).
Trust me–the happier you are, the nicer you speak to yourself, the more self-love and self-respect you have for yourself, the more your body will respond in a positive way.
If you’re feeling stuck and looking for specific action steps to support you in any/all of these areas, book a FREE call with me. During this time, we will discuss YOUR needs and devise a plan to help YOU achieve YOUR personal goals.
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