Summer Hydration: Top 5 Beverages
Summer is here and it’s hot, hot, HOT! With the rise in heat, humidity and outdoor activity comes a subsequent increase in mineral and water loss via sweat, low energy, and potential dizziness and mental confusion. Simple solution: stay on top of hydration!
Did you know that your body is up to 75% water?! You simply cannot survive without it. But it’s not just about drinking pure H20 - your body needs minerals to actually get the water INTO the cells. Here are a few tasty, mineral-rich drinks that will bolster your hydration status in no time:
Infused water - add cucumber, pineapple + mint, orange + rosemary, lemon or any other veg/fruit/herb you enjoy to a large carafe of filtered water and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. Result: a homemade mineral water accented with flavor that keeps you coming back for more. So good that the kids will love it too!
Pelligrino + citrus - sparkling water such as Pelligrino or Gerolsteiner is infused with sodium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals that act as natural electrolytes. Combine with lemon, lime or orange for a refreshing twist of flavor.
Coconut water - slightly sweet and rich in potassium, coconut water is great for rehydrating post-workout or sweat session. As with most things, not all brands are healthy - I recommend looking for raw, organic varieties such as Harmless Harvest.
Watermelon juice - this summer favorite is so refreshing and deliciously sweet; perfect for perking you up after a long day spent outside.
Kombucha - although not as “hydrating” per se, this sparkling probiotic drink is a nice alternative to soda, juice or La Croix. Kombucha is energizing, detoxifying, gut healing, and helps curb hunger and cravings. Just be sure to look for low sugar varieties, preferably less than 7g per serving, and only drink 8 oz. or less at a time to avoid bloating.
With these five naturally-enriched water alternatives, there’s simply no excuse to slack on hydration this summer - drink up!
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