Tips for Staying Motivated In the Winter

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Has your “new year, new you” gusto faded? Maybe you started out strong in January with new, healthy habits. Now that it’s February - the middle of winter - AND we’re stuck in a pandemic, it’s completely understandable that you’re feeling unsettled…anxious…bored…blah. Perhaps your cravings have kicked back up and you’re frustrated because you’ve been trying so hard, yet seeing nada one result from your efforts. I get it!

BUT, if we’ve learned anything from COVID-19, it’s that life is short. If you’re sick of feeling sluggish, bloated and crabby, it’s time to shake things up. Try incorporating something new and different; challenge yourself.

Instead of eating the same ol’ eggs and coffee for breakfast, make a smoothie. Incorporate adaptogens. Turn on your favorite playlist and dance around the house. Get out for a walk, on the regular. Satisfy that sweet tooth with some dark chocolate instead of dipping into the cookie jar. Are you rolling your eyes yet? Feeling like these are so OBVIOUS and simplistic that they can’t possibly do much?

TRUST ME, they will. Why? Because simply doing, and mastering ONE little thing (that makes you feel good), has the potential to re-light your fire and motivate you for other little things. Then, guess what? It’s a snowball effect from there!

Here are a few things to get started with:

  1. Drink a mug of warm lemon water first thing in the morning - packed with vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and pectin (fiber), warm lemon water is incredibly energizing, immune-boosting, alkalizing and detoxifying. Plus, it’s one of THE easiest and healthiest things you can do for yourself. I recommend drinking a mug of warm, not hot, lemon water upon rising (pre-coffee).

  2. Create a power morning routine - what you do first thing in the morning sets the tone for the entire day. I recommend getting up earlier, even if that means setting your alarm clock just 10-15 minutes before usual (to start). This will give you time to make a power breakfast (important for weight loss and the adrenals), meditate, set intentions for the day and/or get in a workout.

    Why mornings?? Because, let’s be real, most hours of the day (for most people) are not our own. If you’re a mom, you give your energy to your kids. If you’re a wife, your husband. If you’re a working professional, your job. You catch my drift. Thus, creating some space for YOU time in the morning ensures that you actually get it (before the day gets away from you and you’re too tired or unmotivated).

    Plus, when you prioritize self-care, you’re more positive, productive and happy as a result which is a win-win for all parties - friends, family, colleagues AND yourself!

  3. Get outside for a 20-30 minute walk - exercise is an essential daily habit. It circulates the blood around the body delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to your brain and 50-100 trillion cells. It also detoxifies waste, moves the lymphatic fluids (thus boosting immunity), boosts the mood, reduces stress and so much more.

    Walking is a low impact activity that’s accessible for most people with the same (if not more) health benefits as running and other activities. A brisk (daily) walk outside connects you with Mother Nature which helps ground and re-center you while the fresh, crisp air invigorates the mind and body.

  4. Incorporate mood boosting foods - adding foods such as blueberries, dark chocolate, dark leafy greens and wild salmon into your daily diet will help boost your memory, mood and brain power while eliminating anxiety, stress and cravings.

    Click here for a list of the top 10 mood foods and tips to easily incorporate them into your diet.

  5. Keep a gratitude journal - even when things seem to be the worst they can possibly be, you still have SOMETHING (likely many things) to be grateful for: having a roof over your head, food on the table, a computer or phone to access this blog post, fresh water, money to buy dark chocolate, etc. (like how I snuck in the dark chocolate reference, yet again?!).

    I encourage you to write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for each and EVERY day. This activity helps shift your focus from negative and “lack” to a positive, more “abundant” mindset. Although seemingly simplistic, gratitude journaling teaches your brain to view and process the world in a more optimistic, hopeful light. When this shift happens, you naturally vibe higher and more high-vibe things, people and opportunities will be drawn to you (like a magnet), helping you achieve your desires and live a more fulfilling life.

Doing the same thing over and over again - be it healthy or not - gets BORING! If you’re feeling that in a major way right now and need some excitement in your life, try incorporating these simple, yet effective strategies. And hey, if all else fails, take a cold shower!

Want more personalized guidance? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.

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