Top 10 Signs That You Need A Detox

We live in a toxic world. From the air we breath to the food we consume and mattress we sleep on at night, there are 84,000 different chemicals that have already been identified in our environment, let alone the amount that have yet to be studied.

The liver, your largest internal organ, is your primary channel for detoxification. It works hand-in-hand with the kidneys (urine), colon (bowels), skin (sweat) and lungs (breath) to excrete as many of the incoming toxins as possible. Unfortunately, when the incoming amount is greater than the filtering capabilities, the liver gets overburdened and cannot get to its 499+ additional responsibilities, including: hormone production, energy, digestion, maintaining cholesterol levels, regulating blood clotting and keeping the Immune system strong.

The bottom line is when your liver is overburdened with toxins, the rest of the systems back up and you simply won’t feel, look or function your best.

Here some of the top signs that you need a detox:

  1. Weight gain - up to 60% of the conversion from inactive (T4) to active (T3) thyroid hormone (your metabolism regulator) occurs in the liver. When the liver is overburdened with toxins, its role in hormone production gets put on the back burner. Thus, much of your thyroid hormones won’t be converted and it will be much easier to gain (and nearly impossible to lose) weight.

  2. Increased cellulite - although your propensity to cellulite is largely attributed to genetics, there is also a toxicity component. Why? Because toxins are stored in the fat cells. Acting as a “safe haven”, your fat cells encapsulate these turbulent compounds as a protective mechanism to prevent your body from any further damage. Therefore, the more toxins you intake, the more your fat cells grow. As this happens, they start pressing up against the cross section of the connective tissue (especially in women) creating the lumpy appearance of cellulite.

  3. Bloating - inflammation - redness, swelling and pain - occurs when the body is trying to protect itself. Toxins are incredibly damaging and the body will pull all the stops to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Holding onto fluids (bloat) is a strong attempt to “flush” away the chemicals - makes sense right? And it’s not just belly bloat; you may also experience bags under your eyes, swollen ankles or a lack of muscle definition around your entire body.

  4. Brain fog - the brain experiences inflammation just like the body. Toxins such as heavy metals,  perchlorate, PCBs, dioxins, pesticides and flame retardants block binding sites of the cells which will inhibit or at least slow the messaging between brain and body. Brain fog, poor memory, lack of focus and other cognitive impairments may ensue.

  5. Skin imbalances - the skin is your largest (external) organ and a primary channel for elimination. When you experience issues such as acne, rosacea, itchy skin and eczema/psoriasis flares, it’s a strong indication that the body is trying to rid itself of toxicity.

  6. Increased food and/or chemical sensitivity - an overburdened liver will lead to a heightened level of sensitivity. You may start reacting strongly, be it headache, brain fog, fatigue, aches, pain and/or bloating, to foods (even those previously tolerated) scents, perfumes, cleaning solutions, etc.

  7. Insomnia - the liver is most active between 1-3am. If you are consistently waking during this time frame, it is a direct indicator that your liver needs support.

  8. Moodiness - digestion and hormone production slow when the liver is bogged down with toxins. Sluggish digestion = poor nutrient absorption. Furthermore, hormones, which are the chemical messengers of the body, control not only your libido, menstrual cycle and body composition, but also your mood, hunger levels, blood sugar balance, ability to process stress and energy. When these two systems aren’t working properly, crabbiness, fatigue, aches and pain, and uncontrollable cravings may set in.

  9. Sugar cravings - the microbiome, your gut flora, is easily disturbed with a change in diet, sleep patterns, hormonal shifts, medications and an increased chemical load. Sugar feeds bad gut bugs and gives you (short-term) energy so your body may start crying out for sweets.

  10. Difficulty with fatty foods - your liver plays a large role in digestion, especially of fats as it combines efforts with the gallbladder to produce and release bile, a fluid that helps break down fats into (easier-digested) fatty acids. If you notice bloating, belching, fatigue, reflux or bowel changes after eating a rich meal such as stew, steak and potatoes or meatloaf with gravy, your liver may be to blame.

Do these symptoms hit home for you? You’re certainly not alone and not to fret - your body is a self-healing mechanism. Did you know that up to 75% of your liver can regenerate in as little as 6 months? Yes, it’s true! The caveat is IF, and only if, given the right circumstances.

There are many things that you can do on a DAILY basis to support your liver. Read about the top foods to include in your diet and watch my YouTube video to learn about simple, effective ways to detox your body on a daily basis.

Want more personalized guidance? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.