Detox Your Way To Better Health

Our modern world is full of toxicity. From genetically-modified foods (GMOs) and glyphosate-sprayed crops to polyester fabrics and 5G towers popping up on every other block, we are over-inundated with EMFs, chemicals and other toxins, and our bodies are suffering as a result. Brain and colon cancers are at an all-time high. At least 50% of Americans are living with at least one chronic illness. And 90% of the nations $4.1 trillion spent on healthcare goes to chronic and mental health conditions. The United States spends more on health care than any other high-income country, yet we have the lowest life expectancy at birth and the highest rate of people with multiple chronic diseases. What’s going on here?

While helpful in many regards, modern advances have created a society that expects things fast, easy and cheap. We eat way too much fast, processed and fried food. We’re addicted to soda, coffee and sugar. We don’t get enough sleep, sunlight or exercise. We’re using chemical-laden cleaning, personal care and home products. And, we stress too much. Our bodies are constantly in catabolic ‘breakdown’ mode with little to no opportunities to rest, restore and HEAL.

The trajectory of Americans (as a whole) is not looking. In fact, some would argue if we keep going the way that we are, our entire species is headed for extinction. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. We CAN stop the madness both internally (by changing the way we eat and live) and externally with our dollars spent.

Today, I want to focus on the internal aspect. A healthy, energized and powerful YOU starts with your daily choices. And every day, you have choice over what you put into or onto your body. How are you feeding and watering your garden? Are you eating real foods and drinking purified water or eating fast, fried foods and chugging them down with soda? Are you getting outside for daily movement and sunshine? Are you taking breaks and prioritize sleep? These are very simple things that 90% of Americans aren’t doing.

While the basics are important, we can’t fully heal when we keep adding insult (more chemicals) to injury (an already inflamed body). We need to also remove chemicals from our diet and lifestyles where and when we can. Why? So we can prevent chronic diseases (such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes), and improve the quality of our lives (aka our energy levels, mood, sleep, strength and brain power).

With over 80,000 chemicals in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) database (and tons more we don’t even know about), where do we even start? The first action step I recommend is to remove the following carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds:

  1. Cigarette smoke

  2. Alcohol

  3. Genetically-modified foods such as American-grown corn and soy, canola oil and cotton

  4. Processed meat (i.e. hot dogs, sausage, bologna and deli meats)

  5. Burnt, charred and overcooked foods (like burnt ends, burnt toast and barbecue/smoked meats)

  6. Aflatoxins (aka toxins produced by mold coming from foods such as peanuts and conventional corn)

  7. Glyphosate-sprayed foods (i.e. corn, soy, wheat, chickpeas and oats)

  8. Overexposure to ultraviolet rays

  9. Talc-based products (i.e. baby powder, deodorant, dry shampoo, cosmetics and even supplements)

  10. Heavy metals (i.e. mercury, lead and arsenic coming from lead pipes, high-mercury fish like tuna, paint and pesticides)

In addition, I recommend doing a stronger, targeted detox program at least 1-2 times per year. Remember: your liver, kidneys and colon are on the job 24/7 with no rest days. A good detox will provide nourishment AND rest to these vital organs so your body has the strength, energy and stamina to fight the good fight and protect you from symptoms, illness and disease.

Just like everything, not all detoxes are created equal. This is why Wellness Educator Katie Tomaszewski and I partnered up to develop 21SLOW, a 21-day diet and lifestyle program that will encourage your body to eliminate carcinogens and heal from daily exposures in a safe, yet effective, way.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to me via email at