8 Natural Energy Boosters

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If you’re struggling to get up in the morning, crashing midday, and feeling crabby, hangry and irritable by dinnertime, it’s time to take a good look at your daily habits…and adjust accordingly.

Empowering Words of the Day: fatigue NOW is not your FOREVER state. Low energy is simply a result of your battery being drained (from obvious and/or obscure sources). The good news is regardless of your age, schedule, health challenges and daily responsibilities, everyone has the ability to improve in this area. Why? Because energy is generated by healthy diet and lifestyle choices.

Here are my top tips for naturally energizing your body:

  1. Get up and MOVE - exercise (be it a 15-minute walk or 90-minute yoga flow) gets the blood pumping, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your 50-100 trillion cells. If you’re feeling sluggish and lazy, one of the first things to do is get moving.

    Bonus Tip: get outside - fresh air and sunshine are instant energizers!

  2. Get your DIET right - the fundamental purpose of eating is to provide nourishment (aka energy). Given that vegetables and fruits are your most concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, I recommend eating a rainbow of produce every single day. By eating 4-5 servings of veggies (1 serving = 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw veg) and 1-2 servings of fruit a day, you can significantly reduce your risk of illness and diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

    Additional Tips: cut back on/eliminate inflammatory sugar(s) and highly-processed foods. Why? Because stabilizing your blood sugar is KEY to sustaining your energy, mood, hunger and cravings throughout the day. Food combining and mindful eating are digestive techniques that can be incredibly helpful. And, if all else fails, try taking digestive enzymes with your meals - click here for details.

  3. Drink water - hydration = energy. Aim to drink 1/2 your body weight (in pounds) in ounces of filtered water a day, preferably BETWEEN, rather than with, meals, and room temperature vs. ice-cold. Click here for details.

  4. Take a cold shower - from fighting inflammation to boosting energy, there are innumerous benefits to cold showers. The best way to approach this is to finish your nice warm showers with a 20-30 second cold blast. This will simple daily addition helps close up the pores (for healthy hair and skin) and improves circulation (for uplifted energy and brain power)! Click here for details.

  5. Eat lighter, earlier dinners - digestion is the most energetically-demanding process in the body. When you are in digestion mode, you can’t fully be in sleep (aka restore and repair) mode. No sleep = no energy. I recommend incorporating Intermittent Fasting and closing the kitchen (with a lighter dinner) at least 3 hours before bed.

    Pro Tip: make breakfast your largest meal of the day and taper from there.

  6. Skip that second cuppa joe - although coffee seems energizing, it’s also very stimulating and dehydrating which often leads to that infamous blood sugar “crash” later in the day. I recommend having your morning coffee (if you’re a coffee drinker), then relying on more natural energy boosters for the rest of the day, i.e. cacao and matcha green tea (two of my favorites)!

  7. Surround yourself with positive people - in the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Protect your energy by choosing positive, uplifting, supportive friends and ditching the negative Nancy, energy vampires.

  8. Do more things that YOU want to do - your life, your choice! The best thing about that is YOU get to choose (what you want to do and who you want to do it with). By saying “yes” more to the things that feel light, fun and freeing and “no” to activities/relationships/jobs that feel heavy, draining and stressful, you take control of your life (and ultimately, your happiness). Happy people = energized people (no pot of coffee necessary)!

Energy is created by seemingly simple things: movement, good food, good people, rest, fulfilling your life’s purpose and living life according to YOUR standards. It’s not rocket science, people! Fuel your body with these things and trust me, you’ll feel the shift.

Want more personalized guidance? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.