Everyday Detox Tips for Energy, Brain & Hormones

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Let’s face it, we live in a toxic world. With more than 80,000 registered chemicals and an infinite amount that have yet to even be established, our livers need ALL the support they can get!

Here are three detox techniques that you can easily incorporate into your daily regime:

  1. Eat cruciferous veggies - from broccoli and cauliflower to kale, cabbage, arugula and bok choy, this special category of veggies provides sulfur compounds, indole-3-carbinol, diindolylmethane (DIM) and heaping doses of fiber. Anti-inflammatory, detox-promoting and hormone balancing, these vegetables are some of the healthiest in the world. I recommend aiming for 1-2 cups per day.

  2. Oil pull - best done first thing in the morning before brushing your teeth, oil pulling is a great way to remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth while naturally whitening the teeth. Simply spoon out approximately 1-2 tsp coconut oil, swish it around in your mouth for about 5-10 minutes (like mouthwash) and spit into the trash can once complete.*

    *Important note: do not swallow - this saliva/bacteria mixture contains toxins that you want to ELIMINATE from the body.

  3. Dry brush - done 2-3 times per week, this powerful detox technique helps open the pores while stimulating lymph movement and reducing cellulite. Best done before your morning shower, dry brushing is accomplished by lightly brushing your body (with a long handle dry skin brush) upwards and inwards (starting at the feet and hands), always moving towards the heart. Don't forget your armpits and buttocks (pesky cellulite hangout spots)!⁠

If you want to look and feel good for years to come, supporting your detox pathways is a MUST! These simple daily rituals will improve liver, immune and endocrine system function which equates to more energy, better moods, less brain fog and a feeling of balance overall.

Want more personalized guidance? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.

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