This Food Halts Gluten-Free Diet Progress
Have you been gluten free for a while and still aren’t seeing progress/getting the results you hoped for? Corn might be the culprit!
When a person decides to embark on a gluten-free diet, he or she often looks for similar products to fill the void. Corn-based foods (i.e. tortillas, chips, cereal and polenta) are gluten-free and similar enough to satisfy those carb-y cravings. But it doesn’t necessarily make them healthier, unless of course you have Celiac Disease, an alternative autoimmune condition or have already identified a corn intolerance.
Corn is one of the top 5 inflammatory foods that’s linked to digestive issues, skin eruptions, bowel changes, weight gain and brain fog. It’s also a top genetically modified food–up to 93% of American-grown corn is GMO! Plus, it cross-reacts with gluten, so people who truly cannot tolerate gluten may not be able to tolerate corn and oats as well (another cross-reactive food).
Whether you experience obvious symptoms or are simply trying to lose weight on your gluten-free diet, eliminating corn may be the golden ticket. After all, this isn’t even a vegetable, it’s a starch. And most of the corn grown in the U.S. is fed to animals to FATTEN them up before slaughter!
Long story short: it’s 2021 and gluten-free products line the shelves at EVERY single grocery store. But just because they’re “gluten free” doesn’t automatically make them healthier.
If you are interested in determining the best diet for YOU, book a One-On-One Consult with me!
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