Your Body Talks: Symptoms To Watch Out For

Your body is constantly talking to you, but are you listening?

Symptoms and cravings get a bad rap. They’re uncomfortable and irritating. Plus, as the busy people we are, we don’t have time to feel aches, pain, stuffiness, brain fog, and fatigue. Am I right? So, instead of using these warning signs as information, we desperately seek out the fastest-acting solution(s) to take them away (insert coffee, Tylenol®, antacids and decongestants here).

Maybe this is you…or maybe it isn’t. But my guess is if you’re reading this blog, you’re a person who wants to learn more about your body and how to address these things in a more natural way.

So, my ask is that you take a body scan and assess the following areas:

  • Your bowel movements - what goes in the front door, should come out the back. Your bowel movements should pass easily (no pushing) and be well-formed, smooth, heavy and shaped like a banana. If you’re not pooping on a daily basis, this is a problem (constipation = toxicity). Loose stools? Also not healthy (as you’re not absorbing your nutrients). Floating stools? Bad news for digestion.

  • Your urine - excreted by the kidneys, urine is one of the primary channels of elimination in the body (alongside the bowels, skin and breath). Healthy urine will be pale yellow in color. If it’s darker, foamy, oily or colored (and you haven’t eaten beets recently), I recommend investigating further.

  • Your eyes - as the “window to your soul”, your eyes say a lot about your health. Take note of how bright and white your sclera is, your pupil size and the skin surrounding your eyes. Do you have bags under your eyes? Your kidneys may need some TLC. Yellowing in the corners? Support that liver!

  • Your skin - skin is your largest organ and a direct reflection of what’s going on internally. Look to its tone, texture and clarity to learn something about your body. Acne, for example is commonly associated with poor gut health, food sensitivities and excess phlegm. And yellowing of the skin can indicate poor liver function (please do NOT sit on this one!).

  • Your sleep - healthy, hormonally-balanced people fall asleep within 15 minutes of closing their eyes and stay asleep during the night. Do you have trouble shutting down at night? Stress-management can help. Do you frequently wake around 3pm? Think blood sugar balance and adrenal support.

  • Your (food) cravings - cravings are fascinating to me as each indicates something different about your nutritional status and potentially unmet needs. Have carb cravings? Try bumping up your protein intake. Jonesing for chocolate? Magnesium supplementation and adding more dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds into your diet can help.

Now that your body scan is complete, are you seeing some red flags? Good news is you’re catching them. Next step is to do something about it.

Not sure where to start? Click here to book a FREE Discovery Call with me.