Weight Loss: The 3 Non-Negotiables

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Weight loss is a multi-billion dollar industry, yet with all the programs, meal kits and services out there, nearly 75% of Americans are overweight. Something just doesn’t add up!

Americans are stuck in “diet” culture and drawn to quick results. From Keto and Paleo to Whole30 and Weight Watchers, fad diets are backed by the promise of shedding weight almost immediately. This is incredibly alluring and I get it! When you want weight loss, you want it NOW.

Although being incredibly strict with your diet does work FAST, the results are typically short-lived. Why? When you categorize foods as “bad” and make them “off limits”, you only want them more. Restriction leads to bingeing and bingeing leads to weight gain.

Almost anyone can “lock it up” for a week or two, but what happens six months from now? It’s not good - statistics show that almost 2/3 of people who dieted to lose weight regain that weight (and then some) in the years to follow.

In order to lose weight FOR GOOD, you have to find something that is SUSTAINABLE. Things that are simple and easy, yet effective are more sustainable than big, sweeping changes overnight.

Here are my top three when it comes to kickstarting a weight loss program:

  1. Weekly meal prep - although this may seem like a chore at first, getting yourself set up with good, healthy foods to quickly grab throughout the week is the #1 KEY to success. I recommend carving out a couple of hours each week to make a soup, chop up some veggies and pre-portion snack baggies of trail mix for the week. When you have healthy and accessible options - that you’ve put in good work for - trust me, you’ll do better!

  2. Daily movement - although diet is the biggest determining factor when it comes to weight loss, exercise helps get your head in the game. When you exercise, you feel good and when you feel good, you’re motivated to make healthier choices. It’s a vicious cycle and it doesn’t require much. A 15-20 minute walk is a great starting point.

  3. Stop eating by 7pm - the metabolism naturally slows at night (in preparation for sleep), yet Americans eat their biggest meal at the end of the day - hello weight gain! When you make it a rule to stop eating by 7pm, you not only cut out late-night snacking, but you also allow your body to completely digest before bed. This simple habit will help you wake up feeling more refreshed, less bloated and more mentally clear.

So there you have it, the top three things you can do TODAY to shift the scale and start feeling better in your body almost immediately.

Want more personalized guidance? Click HERE to book a One-On-One Coaching Session with me.