5 Foods That I Eat On A DAILY Basis


U.S. News & World Report ranked the Mediterranean Diet #1 for best diet overall (yet again) for the fourth year in a row.

Although I’m not a big proponent of “diets” or one-size-fits-all anything, I will refer to the principles of the Mediterranean Diet as a starting place with clients, friends, family members, etc.

Why the Mediterranean Diet? Because it’s a holistic approach to wellness. Packed with antioxidant-rich, plant-based foods and heart-healthy fats, it also incorporates healthy lifestyle practices such as daily exercise, stress-management and social interaction.

When it comes to diet, these are 5 foods (that just so happen to be a part of the Mediterranean Diet) that I include on a daily basis:

  1. Dark leafy greens - from kale and spinach to basil, cilantro and parsley, dark leafy greens are your best source of minerals! Aside from a high concentration of calcium and magnesium, dark leafies also provide bone-strengthening vitamin K, energizing chlorophyll and a small amount of brain-boosting omega-3s!

    Incorporate leafy greens into your daily smoothies, use them as a base to salads, add to your soups or sauté them and enjoy as a side dish.

  2. Colorful, seasonal vegetables - the more colorful your diet, the better! Why? Each color provides unique antioxidants that protect your body from free radical damage. For example, red foods provide heart-healthy lycopene whereas purple produce will contain brain boosting anthocyanin.

    Try including a fruit and/or veggie from every color of the rainbow every day AND rotate your foods with the season’s best offerings to ensure all of your nutritional needs are met.

  3. Extra-virgin olive oil - rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) promotes heart, skin, brain, digestive and hair health while preventing cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

    I recommend adding EVOO as a finishing touch to your dishes or incorporating it into salad dressing, rather than using it for high-heat preparations such as roasting, sautéing or grilling. Click here to learn more.

  4. Wild-caught fish - fish is a staple to the Mediterranean diet and for good reason! It’s packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, muscle-strengthening protein, brain-supportive B vitamins and metabolism-enhancing minerals such as iodine. But you MUST source wild-caught to reap the benefits. Click here for more information on the top 3 fish I recommend and those to avoid.

    Whether you crack open a can of sardines as a snack or add salmon atop your lunch salad, the addition of wild fish at least 2-3 times per week can boost mental health and mood while helping shed inches from your waistline!

  5. Spices - packed with antioxidants and antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, spices not only add flavor to a dish, they also significantly improve the nutrition profile of the meal you’re using them on.

    Cinnamon, cayenne pepper, rosemary, basil, garlic and black pepper are a few spices that I use on a daily basis. Try adding them to your smoothies and soups, or atop fish, chicken or beef before cooking.

Note: The Mediterranean Diet encourages a moderate consumption of red wine, but I personally do not push for drinking alcohol as a form of nutrition. I would swap this out with dark chocolate instead ;)

Life is short and eating yummy food is a MAJOR source of pleasure. By adding these 5 foods to your diet, you will improve your health without sacrificing flavor or satiation!

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