Constipated? This Essential Mineral Can Help

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80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium, an essential nutrient that’s responsible for up to 800 different functions in the body! If you’re constipated, irritable, low energy, having trouble sleeping or experiencing twitching eyes, restless leg syndrome or cramping, l recommend that you up your magnesium game.

Foods such as dark chocolate, dark leafy greens and beans are great sources of magnesium. But conventional won’t cut it - you must buy these foods organic to reap the benefits. Organic produce provides up to 30% more magnesium!

My approach is always food first, but unfortunately in our current day and age, you may not be able to get enough magnesium from diet alone. Everyday farming practices such as spraying with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, monocropping and not allowing the land to rest, have resulted in soil that is almost completely void of nutrients.

If you’re eating a “healthy diet” and still experiencing crabbiness, cramping or constipation, I recommend supplementing with magnesium. But before you do, it’s important that you know your brands and choose the right form. Magnesium glycinate is arguably the most absorbable, but it won’t have an impact on the bowels. Although helpful for someone with loose stools, if you’re more prone to constipation, I recommend supplementing with magnesium citrate.

The daily recommended intake for magnesium is 340-420mg. While this is a great starting place, the average stressed out, overworked person needs even more.

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